Tuesday 15 March 2016

Tally Software for Windows

What is Tally

Well, Tally is a complete Enterprise Resource Planning system with a excellent grip in accounting features. Although it has many more core features that a business requires but its hold in accounting is truly commendable. Therefore it is known more for accounting rather than any other of its features.
If I have to mention a single software for a business need even if the business is just starting out, Tally is the one which I would recommend.
The reason for this recommendation is because Tally does all the things that a business at a time of starting up requires.
For example, if you are starting out a general store, what would you require?
  1. Accounting
  2. Billing
  3. Sales and profit analysis
  4. Banking
  5. Inventory
  6. Taxation (VAT, TDS, TCS)
For Download :- Click here

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